Composing - Tips & tricks

Inserting links using tokens

The token dropdown in the email body field includes URL tokens which can be used to link to different locations in the BrandChamp portal.

Let's say we want to send an email announcing some new activities and want to provide a link that recipients can click to open the "Available Activities" area in their BrandChamp portal.

Start by adding some email body text such as: "Check out the available activities here: ". Then select the "ACTIVITIES-URL" token from the dropdown to insert that token. Select that text in the editor and click the anchor button as shown below:

That will then prompt you to enter the link. We will leave the link as the token because we want that to get replaced with the real link. So click the Save button shown below:

That will result in something like the following. The link text and the actual destination URL will be replaced with the token value:

Avoid raw URLs

When inserting links, we recommended not showing the full link destination and instead change the link text to be a regular word or phrase, so that your email is less likely to be considered spam.

For example in the screenshot above, it would be better if we changed the link text to be the word "here". That's best done by moving the cursor inside the "{{" and "}}" brackets first, editing the inner text, and then finally removing the surrounding brackets. The result is shown in screenshot below. You can confirm the link will still be replaced with the correct URL by clicking on the link text in the editor and you will see a pop up of the destination URL. It should still be the URL token:

Clear Formatting

If you copy in text from elsewhere, you can often accidentally copy in the styles also, as shown in example below.

To remove any styling, first select all the text and then click the Tx button in the toolbar:

That will remove any formatting and leave just the text:

Adding Buttons to Emails

You can now easily add a branded button to any of your BrandChamp emails. 

You'll see a new "BUTTON" option in the Tokens dropdown when composing an email:

Clicking that opens a popup where you can configure either a link to a particular location in the BrandChamp portal (for example the Activities or Reward area), or a custom link to somewhere on your site for example:

Clicking Confirm on the popup will insert the token needed to generate the button:

Which will render a nice branded button in the email:

If you choose a custom URL, you will see the link you entered instead in the token:

And of course, since you can enter any custom link, it's a great idea to include some Google Analytics URL parameters so you can track how many click-throughs you get. 

For example, the link shown above could be extended with Google Analytics parameters like:

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