Template Responses for Activity Approval

Template Responses are useful for those instances where there is a repeated response that you’d like to leave your ambassadors.

To start using Template Responses you will need to create one whilst reviewing your activities.

To review your ambassador’s activities, navigate to the "Activities" page, and click on the “Awaiting Review” filter. 

For any “Task Awaiting Review” activity you can click ‘add template” in the decision box.

Let’s add a template that welcomes new ambassadors to your program after they submit their announcement activity to their social media channels.

You will enter a title for the template that will identify what the response is, as well as enter the content that will appear in the feedback section of their activity.

After customizing your template, click Add.

You will now see the “add template” has changed to “Template” drop-down and lists the template we just created.

Template Response can help you manage your responses and keep them organized so they are a help, rather than a hindrance. They also help the ambassador feel engaged and connected to your brand.

Examples of Template Responses

Duplicate Submission

The social post was submitted multiple times towards available activity.



I'm sorry to reject, but the post you submitted is a duplicate of one you previously submitted.

Can you please resubmit with a different post?


The Ambassador Team


Activity included providing a screenshot of an IG story.



For this activity we require a screenshot to show that the activity was part of your FB/IG story.  For that reason we have to reject this activity.  Please resubmit with a screenshot next time.

-The Ambassador Team 

Cannot View Post

Activity submission can not be viewed.



Unfortunately, we cannot view the post.

Please make sure your posts are public for viewing.

If you are posting in a private FB group, or an IG or FB story, please submit a screenshot using the File Upload task.


The Ambassador Team

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