Assigning BrandChamps to tiers

Tiers are defined using BrandChamp tags. You can assign one or more tags to each BrandChamp and use those to control what emails they receive, and the activities/rewards that are available to them.

Note: BrandChamps never see the tags you have assigned to them

Filtering activities and rewards by BrandChamp tag is available on our Growth plan and up.

Assigning tags during onboarding

Go to the BrandChamps page and click the "Applicants" tab. The table will then display all of your applications.

To view an application, click the applicant's name.

Clicking on one lets you review the applicant's details and also assign one or more tags at the same time before making your approval decision:

Adding tags to existing BrandChamps

Go to the "BrandChamps" page to view your BrandChamps table:

Find the one you want to tag, click their highlighted blue name to view their details and go to the "User" tab, where you can add one or more tags. When the tags are added, click  "Save".

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