Paying Cash Balances

The "Balances Due" area in the Payments section of the admin site shows you all BrandChamps with a current cash balance greater than zero:

The "PayPal Email" column will be displayed only if you ticked the checkbox for PayPal payments in the Cash Payments section on the Settings page.

Filtering Balances

By PayPal email

If paying with PayPal, you can use the built-in "Has PayPal email" search to only pay out to those BrandChamps who have provided their PayPal email address. See our FAQ article for more details.

Minimum Payout Limit

If, for example, you want to pay out when a BrandChamp's balance is greater than $50, you can easily do so by adding a filter on the "Balance Due" amount as shown below:

Don't forget you can save that filtered view for easy reuse later by yourself or your entire team by clicking the "Save" button to the right of the search bar:

Processing Payments

To pay the outstanding cash balances, select the balances you wish to pay and click "Process Selected."

If you wish to pay all balances, first tick the checkbox in the header row (#1 below), then click to select all rows (#2), and finally click "Process Selected:"

When you click the "Process Selected" button, you will see a modal similar to the following:

When you click the "Update Balances ..." button, the outstanding cash balances for the selected BrandChamps will be set to zero in the BrandChamp system. An export file will be created according to the selected payment method.

Payment Methods

You can choose from 2 CSV export options.

PayPal CSV export

Select this if you will pay your BrandChamps using PayPal. The generated CSV file(s) can be uploaded into the Mass Payments section of your PayPal Business account and used for the actual cash transfer.

With this option, if a BrandChamp enters a PayPal email address, then that will be used. Otherwise, their BrandChamp account email will be used.

CSV export for manual payment

Select this option if you are not using PayPal. For example, if you want to pay by check.

Note: This CSV file format will use a BrandChamp's regular email address rather than their PayPal one if they have entered that.

Viewing Payments & Downloading CSV Files

After you've clicked the "Update Balances..." button on the process payments popup, you will be brought to the Payments area, where you can see the newly created payment record and download the CSV file associated with it:

To view the details of a payment, click the date in the first column on the Payments table. That will show you all the transactions that made up that particular payment batch:

To reverse an individual payment, go to the details page for the associated payment batch (as shown above). Select the payment you want to reverse and click the "Reverse Payment" button.

If you made a payment in an external system such as PayPal, you must also ensure that payment is reversed. Reversing a payment in the BrandChamp admin site will only update balances in the BrandChamp system.

The balance associated with the reversed payment will be returned to the associated BrandChamp, and you can pay the balance out again using the normal process.

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