Discount Code Sets

Referral Discount Codes

Referral discount codes are simply regular store discounts but where:

  • Each discount is associated with an individual BrandChamp
  • The discount code is human-readable, and usually contains part of the BrandChamp's name, rather than being some random mix of numbers and letters
  • The discount is set up for multiple use rather than a single use, as the BrandChamp will want to share this out to all their followers
  • The discount is generally set up as a percentage-off discount - e.g. 5% off to everyone who uses it

To create a referral discount code in BrandChamp, you first create the discount in your e-commerce store using whatever discount code format you prefer (you might use the BrandChamps first name followed by the first 1 or two letters from last name for example) and then import it into BrandChamp in the "Referral -> Discount Code Sets" section of the admin site:

Discount Code Sets

Note: Before creating your Discount Code Set, please set up the Commissions you will offer to your BrandChamps.

In the Referrals -> Discount Code Set section, you can import your BrandChamp’s discount codes and set the commission they will receive when their discount codes are used in your store. These discount codes will later be shown in the BrandChamp portal for your BrandChamp’s to share with their followers.

After clicking “Add Set”, you can then specify the details for your discount code set

Choose Commission

Specify the Commission that will be assigned to your BrandChamps. For this example, let’s select the first option “All BrandChamps will receive the same commission”. 

After selecting this option, we can then choose the commission that we want to apply from the drop-down.

After selecting the commission of your choice, create a title for this discount code set.

Tiered Commissions

If you plan on running your program with Tiered Commissions, please see this support article

Discount Code Title

Enter the title for the discount code set. For example “Shareable Referral Discount Code”.

After entering the title, you’ll then need to save this Discount Code Set by clicking the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.

After clicking save, you can then add the discount codes that you created for your BrandChamps in your eCommerce store.

Adding Discount Codes

To add discount codes, you can click the “Add” or “Import” button within the Discount Codes section.

You can add one by one or import in bulk. If you click to add one, you see the following modal:


You enter the name of the BrandChamp you want to add a referral discount code for

Discount Code

Enter the public code that they will share out with their followers. This is the code you created for the BrandChamp in your eCommerce store.


The visibility controls whether the BrandChamp sees the referral code in their portal. You should aim to only have 1 visible code per BC.

Updating a Referral Discount Code

If you have assigned a referral discount code to a BrandChamp but then later want to change it, you should mark the original code as disabled rather than deleting it so that the system can still pick up referrals linked to the original code. Once it's disabled and hidden, the BrandChamp won't see it in their portal. Then, add in a new, visible discount code as a replacement.

When a discount code is added you'll then see it in the table

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